Sponsor Guest Post: Bluehost

Bluehost is proud to be a “California Street” sponsor of WordCamp San

Bluehost was founded in 2003 with the goal of building a better hosting
company and bringing the power of the web to small businesses. It was
built on open source software, and open source continues to be the
backbone of the products and services that Bluehost provides to its
customers. Since then, Bluehost has grown to host more than one million
websites for businesses, organizations, and individuals.

The Bluehost team recognizes the role that open source has played in its
own growth, as well as in the success of its customers, and is committed
to giving back to the open source communities in which it participates.

This year, Bluehost has given back to the WordPress community through
its new Bluehost Open Source Solutions (BOSS) program. The BOSS program
has not only sponsored WordPress events and made financial contributions
to the community, but has also hired full-time programmers to work
exclusively on the core of WordPress, built a series of free training
videos to help WordPress users get started, and has provided statistics
to the WordPress developers so that they can learn more about how
WordPress is being deployed by end users.

To learn more about how Bluehost’s BOSS program gives back to open
source communities, visit BOSS today.