Thanks for coming to WordCamp SF. We hope you had a wonderful time!
In a few more days we’ll have collected all the recaps and links to the videos so we can post a proper wrap-up. But in the meantime, we sure would be grateful for your feedback. We have two surveys for you here: one for the WordCamp itself, and a separate one just to rate our speakers and give them some valuable input.
Thanks in advance!
I love WordCamp. ANYONE you talk to is someone who is into the same stuff as I am!
• Lightning talks were wonderful, but many warranted a much longer presentation. Would have loved more info on those I saw.
• Presentation of 5 min. talks were impressive. The presenters were to a person, so perfectly prepared.
• Erik Hitter’s talk was perfect. It was the one I loved at 5 minutes that actually did not need more time.