We couldn’t let the week pass without introducing you to another handful of WordCamp San Francisco speakers. We hope that you’re as excited to see them speak as we are.
- Boone Gorges is an independent consultant specializing development services for colleges and universities. He is a lead developer of BuddyPress.
- Jenn Schiffer is an open web engineer at Bocoup where she writes code to build web apps using open web technologies.
- Cody Brown is the founder of Scroll Kit, a tool to help people tell dramatic visual stories on the web.
- Christine Harkin is a writing and editing consultant. She’s been blogging at EditorPlease.com since 2011 and at the award-winning Naptimewriting.com since 2006.
Watch the blog and our Twitter account for more announcements and your email inbox for news because we’re still working on speaker selection!