Team Leads

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  • #653473

    With the exception of the Lead Devs/Release Leads on core, we do not have any “leads” on the contributor teams, only rotating “team reps” who act as facilitators. It would be really helpful to have a way of identifying who the “leads” are in each area — the senior people on the team that drive the direction of the work being done. Resistance to this in the past has been tied to concern about people holding titles of authority longer than their activity justifies (we also don’t have any way of recognizing people who’ve stepped back from active hands-on creation but still put in time as advisors to the next generation of contribs). I’d like to discuss this and see if we can come up with a structure that doesn’t lead to entrenched titles or assumptions of a power hierarchy, but does provide easy communication of role via title to help people get a quicker, better understanding of who’s doing what in the project.

    Jenny Wong

    +1 Would this include the possibility of cloning Andrea?


    +1 on cloning Andrea! (and also on this discussion πŸ™‚ )

    Kim Parsell

    +1 to having this discussion. And yes, we definitely need to clone Andrea. πŸ˜€

    Morgan Kay


    Joe Dolson

    I have a few doubts concerning the ethics of human cloning, but the rest of the conversation is a definite +1!

    Birgit Olzem




    Edward Caissie

    +1 – This definitely sounds interesting …

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October 25-26, 2014